Monday 10 December 2018

Why CZ Stone is Considered the Finest Diamond Simulant

Paying a high price for a diamond can seem unjustifiable when there are diamond simulants that can look and feel like the real thing. The most common diamond simulant is, of course, CZ diamond gems. Cubic zirconia is a much less expensive man-made gem that appears quite like a diamond, but they are very different.

Cubic Zirconia is the crystalline form of zirconium dioxide. This doesn’t mean much to the average consumer so let’s just say that CZ is not as hard as a diamond with a rating of 8.5 on Mohs Scale of Hardness (a diamond scores a 10). It is heavier than a diamond with the same carat rating. Cubic zirconia jewelry is most often white or clear; however, it's possible to tint the stones by adding a variety of metal oxides during the synthesizing process.

Before cubic zirconia (also known as CZ), diamonds were diamonds and no other stone could match its look. But then CZ came along and suddenly, diamonds had an imitator. Due to the affordability, durability and appearance of CZ, this synthetic stone remains the most popular diamond simulant. One of the most important differences between cubic zirconia and diamond is that cubic zirconia is virtually flawless. Since it is created artificially, cubic zirconia doesn’t have any inclusions. These days, manufacturing of artificial diamonds has advanced, and you can buy top-notch cz gemstones for sale under half the price of a “natural” diamond. The common reason is that cubic zirconia is cheap.

Since cubic zirconia mimics a diamond but is not the same material, it is referred to as faux, fake, imitation, and stimulant. Cubic zirconia is beautiful in its own right and only becomes a problem purchase when it is misrepresented as a diamond or other gemstone. Give someone an engagement ring of cubic zirconia and you are not demonstrating your willingness to be extravagant for your love.

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